Visions Unite

Everybody's Voices, Nobody's Noise

Cooperative Standards

Anyone can call themselves a coop. They can even apply to, the TLD authority for a .coop url. does vet them, but in a minimalist fashion, that is relatively easily gamed. Improving the brand of cooperatives would benefit from a stronger vetting process. Here's a vision for a stronger cooperative/solidarity identity: 1. Develop a survey for .coop url registrants that asks them to 'prove' they are a cooperative by answering questions about how they apply each of the 7 Cooperative Principles. These would be 'graded' and require a minimum score to receive the .coop url. 2. The scores and original answers would be made publically available. 3. To start this process, because it will take some time and study to understand how to 'grade' the answers in a fashion that is clear to all. So the proposal is to introduce this as a voluntary exercise, perhaps at or a federation of cooperative mapping organizations. 4. This idea was thought through from a cooperative perspective, but could easily be adapted to a solidarity perspective by applying The RIPESS Charter [16] of the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy 11 core values.

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